Defining a New System Parameter

The information on this page relates to the new upgraded interface of the IConduct platform. To view information about the Classic version of the user interface, follow this link.

System parameters are built-in IConduct platform parameters. Their values are defined by a specific system function defined by the user. Some system parameters are dynamic, with their data changing on every run.


When you choose the NewSystem Parameter option from the New menu, the Edit Parameter page opens.

Defining a New System Parameter

This page has the following fields:

  • Name: A new system parameter name.
  • Default value: A user-defined value. This field is optional and helpful in case the system function returns null.
  • Function: A list of available system functions.
  • Format: Date and Time settings. For detailed date and time formatting operations please refer to this page. For detailed date and time formatting operations please refer to this page.

To define a new system parameter, follow steps 1-3 in the introduction to this section and then proceed below:


  1. In the Name field, insert the new system parameter name.
  2. Select a Function from the list. 
  3. In the Format box, insert the required date and time format. 
  4. In the Default Value field, insert the parameter value (optional).
  5. Click Save to keep the parameter, Save & Close to keep and close the parameter, and end the session, or Click Save & New to save and close the current parameter and begin a new session.